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:: Volume 12, Issue 3 (Int J Mol Cell Med 2023) ::
Int J Mol Cell Med 2023, 12(3): 242-256 Back to browse issues page
Emergence of OptrA Gene Mediated Linezolid Resistance among Enterococcus Faecium: A Pilot Study from a Tertiary Care Hospital, India
Vandana Rani1 , Ajit Prakash2 , Mohammad Amin-ul Mannan1 , Priyanka Das3 , Hitha Haridas3 , Rajni Gaind 4
1- Department of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, School of Bioengineering and Biosciences, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab, India.
2- Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599, United States of America.
3- Department of Microbiology, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, India.
4- Department of Microbiology, Vardhman Mahavir Medical College and Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi, India. , rgaind5@hotmail.com
Abstract:   (1595 Views)
E. faecium is the third most common cause of nosocomial infections. Linezolid (LNZ) is a reserve antibiotic recommended for infections caused by vancomycin resistant E. faecium (VREfm).  The aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of optrA gene among linezolid resistant E. faecium (LREfm) and to study the molecular epidemiology using pulse field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Clinically significant LREfm were identified and antimicrobial susceptibility was performed by disc diffusion. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of linezolid, vancomycin, daptomycin and quinupristin/dalfopristin was determined by E-test. PCR and PCR-RFPL were performed for the detection of optrA/cfr gene and G2576T mutation respectively. Molecular epidemiology was studied by PFGE. A total of 1081 clinically significant Enterococci species were isolated which included E. faecium 63.5% (n=687) and E. faecalis 36.5% (n=394). LREfm (30/687) were further studied. Multidrug resistance and vancomycin resistance was 100% and 80%, respectively. Linezolid MIC range was 8-256µg/ml and the most common mechanism of resistance was optrA gene (83.3%) followed by G2576T mutation (33.3%). PFGE analysis demonstrated 4 major clones. The optrA gene mediated linezolid resistance was high and PFGE suggests resistance was emerging in the different background strains irrespective of resistance mechanism. Studies are required to investigate factors driving the emergence of linezolid resistance. The review suggests that this is the first report of optrA-mediated resistance in E. faecium from India.
Keywords: Linezolid, E. faecium, optrA, PFGE
Full-Text [PDF 543 kb]   (187 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original Article | Subject: Infectious disease (Molecular and Cellular aspects)
Received: 2023/12/23 | Accepted: 2024/03/5 | Published: 2024/04/15
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Rani V, Prakash A, Mannan M A, Das P, Haridas H, Gaind R. Emergence of OptrA Gene Mediated Linezolid Resistance among Enterococcus Faecium: A Pilot Study from a Tertiary Care Hospital, India. Int J Mol Cell Med 2023; 12 (3) :242-256
URL: http://ijmcmed.org/article-1-2265-en.html

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Volume 12, Issue 3 (Int J Mol Cell Med 2023) Back to browse issues page
International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Medicine (IJMCM) International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Medicine (IJMCM)
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